Themes of Studies


Accounting Standards of Republic of Latvia are concerted with laws and regulations, integrated into International Accounting Standards and laws of European Community. Accounting Standards of Republic of Latvia are general and repeatedly applicable guidelines for financial asset item attestation, evaluation and interpretation.


Accounting Standards of Republic of Latvia:


ASRL 1. Basic formulations in preparation of financial statement

ASRL 2. Cash flow report

ASRL 3. Incidents by balance date

ASRL 4. Bookkeeping policy, alterations in accounting calculations, mistakes in accountancy

ASRL 5. Long-time agreements

ASRL 6. Incomes

ASRL 7. Permanent assets

ASRL 8. Reserves, possible commitments and assets

ASRL Lease

ASRL Income tax

ASRL Investment property



International Accounting Standards:


1. IAS "Financial statement rendering"

2. IAS "Reserves"
7. IAS "Cash flow assets"
8. IAS "Bookkeeping policy, alterations in accounting calculations, mistakes in accountancy"
10. IAS "Incidents by balance date"
11. IAS "Construction agreements"
12. IAS "Income tax"
14. IAS "Information rendering by segments"
16. IAS "Permanent assets"
17. IAS "Lease"
18. IAS "Incomes"
19. IAS "Employment allowance"
21. IAS "Influence of exchange rate fluctuations"
23. IAS "Borrowing payment"
24. IAS "Disclosure of information about involved parties"
27. IAS "Consolidated and separated financials statements"
28. IAS "Investments in an associated enterprise"
31. IAS "Participation in a joint venture"
34. IAS "Interim financial statement"
36. IAS "Decrease of asset value”
37. IAS "Reserves, possible commitments and assets"
38. IAS "Intangible assets"

International Financial Reporting Standards:

1. IFRS "First adoption of International Financial Statement Standards"

2. IFRS "Stock payment"

3. IFRS "Establishment of a joint venture"

5. IFRS "Long-time assets hold for sale and interrupt activities"