Pecularities and advantages of distance education.
Distance education is a qualitatively new kind of training of the XXI-st century, became possible in last years with development of information technology. Independent work of the listener is put in its basis with specially developed teaching materials for each course, passing with participation and control of the skilled (experienced) teacher. Operative communication with the teacher on all questions of training, detailed consultations by e-mail, discussion of most pressing questions on studying themes.
Being trained on (in) distance education, the listener can master a teaching material in convenient time for him, optimal combine training with another activities of life, receive knowledge without changing a habitual rhythm of a life. Distance education has no borders and is accessible to everyone who wish to receive new knowledge and qualification.
International Financial Statement Standarts
Studies last three-four months and consultations take place in Liepaja at weekend. First class is devoted to introduction of accounting standards, general questions about study course.
During three months students will receive home works (tests), which they can send back by e-mail or get back in convenient way for them.
Explanations on current questions and surrender of examination tasks will start after two months of studying,one day of weekend,twice. Studying duration-4 academic hours with one quite lasting coffee break. In three months time students will have eight tests.
Consultations will be held in russian. Tests are possible to write in latvian, russian or bilingual.
Accounting courses for the beginners
Training lasts three-four months, consultations can pass at weekend. The first seminar will consist of an introduction lecture about the International and Latvian principles of book keeping, explanations of educational process, organizational questions.
During three months on each theme, there will be home tests which students can send back by e-mail or give in other way convenient for them.
After first two months of studies,twice,students can receive consultations, explanations on current questions and will hand over examination-papers.
Duration of lesson: 4 academic hours, with a break - a coffee pause.
Consultations will be held in russian.
The flexible system of payment, possible discounts are discussed individually.